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Engelsk-dansk ordbog

BETA English-Danish translation for: sb has to
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Dictionary English Danish: sb has to

Translation 1 - 50 of 215  >>

sb. has tongn. [skal]
Partial Matches
That has (got) nothing to do with the facts.Det er grebet ud af den blå luft. [idiom]
What has that got to do with the subject?Hvad har det med emnet at gøre?
to lie to sb.at lyve for én
to devote sth. to sb.at dedicere ngt. til ngn. [højtid.]
to subject sb./sth. (to)at udsætte ngn./ngt. (for)
Unverified to be on to sb.at være sporet af ngn.
to give advice to sb.at rådgive ngn.
to say hello (to sb.)at sige goddag (til ngn.)
to say hello to sb.at hilse ngn.
to pay attention to sb./sth.at skænke ngn./ngt. opmærksomhed
to set fire to sb./sth.at sætte ild til / ngn./ngt.
to confide a secret to sb.at betro ngn. en hemmelighed
to go to bed with sb.at i seng med ngn.
Unverified to push sb. to the wallat skubbe ngn. til side
talem. Unverified to hang sb. out to dry [coll.]at lade ngn. i stikken [dagl.] [i en vanskelig situation]
to pass a secret on to sb.at fortælle ngn. en hemmelighed
Unverified to be not fit to hold a candle to sb. [idiom]at ikke ngn. til anklerne [talemåde]
Unverified to be unable to hold a candle to sb. [coll.] [idiom]at ikke ngn. til anklerne [talemåde]
to name sb./sth. after sb./sth.at opkalde ngn./ngt. efter ngn./ngt.
ordsp. Every dog has his day.Blind høne finder også et korn / guldkorn.
citat talem. The Moor has done his duty, the Moor can go.Moren har gjort sin pligt, moren kan gå.
sb. expectedngn. forventede
sb. mightngn. kan
sb. mightngn. kunne
sb. mightngn. måtte
sb. mustngn. [skal]
sb. proposedngn. foreslog
sb. provedngn. beviste
sb. shallngn. skal
sb. shouldngn. burde
sb. wouldngn. ville
sb. didngn. gjorde
Unverified to ask sb.at spørge ngn. (ad)
to assassinate sb.at myrde ngn. [især en politisk vigtig eller magtfuld person]
to assassinate sb.at snigmyrde ngn.
to bore sb.at kede ngn.
Unverified to caress sb.at ae ngn.
to convince sb.at overbevise ngn.
to convince sb.at overtyde ngn. [gl.]
to disillusion sb.at desillusionere ngn.
to humble sb.at ydmyge ngn.
to hurt sb.at såre ngn.
to imitate sb.at abe efter ngn.
to interest sb.at interessere ngn.
to jail sb.at fængsle ngn.
to outshine sb.at overstråle ngn. [fig.]
to outsmart sb.at overliste ngn.
to wake sb.at vække ngn.
kemi mineral. antimony <Sb>antimon {n} <Sb>
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