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Dictionary English Danish: hot water

Translation 1 - 46 of 46

hot watervarmt vand {n}
Partial Matches
hot {adj}hed
hot {adj}skarp
hot-blooded {adj}varmblodig
gastr. hot chocolatevarm chokolade {fk}
klæd. hot pantshotpants {pl}
luftf. hot-air balloonvarmluftballon {fk}
talem. to strike while the iron is hotat smede mens jernet er varmt
watervand {fk} [flaske med vand]
watervand {n} [væske]
water-based {adj}vandbaseret
tek. water-cooled {adj}vandkølet
boiling waterkogende vand {n}
brackish waterbrakvand {n}
cold waterkoldt vand {n}
drinking waterdrikkevand {n}
fresh waterferskvand {n}
mineral watermineralvand {n}
ejend. running waterrindende vand {n}
salt watersaltvand {n}
spring waterkildevand {n}
gastr. still watervand {n} uden brus
still watervand uden kulsyre
surface wateroverfladevand {n}
tap waterpostevand {n}
waste waterspildevand {n}
water damagevandskade {fk}
water pipevandrør {n}
sport water skivandski {fk}
sport water skiingvandskiløb {n}
arki. water towervandtårn {n}
water wheelvandhjul {n}
bot. T
åkande {fk}
water vapor [Am.]vanddamp {fk}
water vapour [Br.]vanddamp {fk}
a glass of wateret glas vand
bot. T
kærmysse {fk}
zool. T
zool. T
orn. T
orn. T
vandrikse {fk}
to water [e.g. plants, livestock]at vande
ordsp. Blood is thicker than water.Blod er tykkere end vand.
bot. T
søblad {fk}
talem. to throw the baby out with the bath water / bathwaterat smide / kaste / hælde barnet ud med badevandet
ordsp. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him / it drink.Man kan tvinge hesten til truget, men man kan ikke tvinge den til at drikke.
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