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Engelsk-dansk ordbog

BETA English-Danish translation for: couldn\'t
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Dictionary English Danish: couldn 't

Translation 1 - 25 of 25

Keywords contained
I don't / couldn't give a damn about it. [coll.]Det skider jeg da på. [fig.] [vulg.]
couldn't [could not]kunne ikke
Partial Matches
klæd. T-shirtT-shirt {fk}
can't [cannot]kan ikke
teaspoon <tsp. / t.>teske {fk}
Don't bother!Gør dig ingen ulejlighed!
Don't interrupt me!Lad være med at afbryde mig!
talem. Don't mention it.Ingen årsag. [som svar en taksigelse]
I don't care.Jeg er ligeglad.
I don't know.Jeg ved det ikke.
I don't understand.Jeg forstår det ikke.
Unverified I can't believe it.Det er ikke til at fatte.
I don't think so.Det tror jeg ikke.
Unverified We are ..., aren't we?Vi er ..., ikke (sandt)?
Unverified Don't be a stranger! [coll.]Hold kontakten!
ordsp. Money doesn't grow on trees.Penge / Pengene vokser ikke træerne.
ordsp. One swallow doesn't make a summer.Én svale gør ingen sommer.
ordsp. Rome wasn't built in a day.Rom blev ikke bygget en dag.
ordsp. Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.Man skal ikke sælge skindet før bjørnen er skudt.
ordsp. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.Man kan ikke lære en gammel hund nye kunster.
ordsp. People (who live) in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.Man skal ikke kaste med sten når man (selv) bor i (et) glashus.
ordsp. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.Kast ikke med sten hvis du selv bor i et glashus.
I'm sorry, I didn't get / catch that.Undskyld, det forstod jeg ikke.
I'm right, aren't I?Har jeg ikke ret?
ordsp. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him / it drink.Man kan tvinge hesten til truget, men man kan ikke tvinge den til at drikke.
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