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Engelsk-dansk ordbog

BETA English-Danish translation for: at indføre
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Dictionary English Danish: at indføre

Translation 1 - 50 of 1923  >>

VERB   at indføre | indfører | indførte | indført
to importat indføre
to introduceat indføre
Partial Matches
that {conj}at
to abdicateat abdicere
to openat åbne
to subscribeat abonnere
med. to abortat abortere
to absorbat absorbere
fagspr. to abstractat abstrahere
to accelerateat accelerere
to acceptat acceptere
to obeyat adlyde
to administerat administrere
to manageat administrere
to adoptat adoptere
to addressat adressere
to distinguishat adskille
to separateat adskille
to warnat advare
to balanceat afbalancere
to depictat afbilde
to portrayat afbilde
to revealat afdække
to fire [a gun, a shot]at affyre
to departat afgå
to leave [depart]at afgå
to decideat afgøre
to hold [e.g. a meeting, an election]at afholde
to interrogateat afhøre
to question [interrogate]at afhøre
to yieldat afkaste
to clarifyat afklare
to undressat afklæde
med. Unverified to become hypothermicat afkøle
to mark with a crossat afkrydse
to lockat aflåse
to unloadat aflæsse
to deriveat aflede
to cancelat aflyse
to blackmailat afpresse
to testat afprøve
to abolishat afskaffe
to write offat afskrive
to abhorat afsky
to detest [loathe]at afsky
to hateat afsky
to loatheat afsky
to relaxat afslappe
to finishat afslutte
to reflectat afspejle
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