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Dictionary English Danish: a

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mus. A major <A>A-dur {fk} <A>
mus. A minor <a, Am>a-mol {fk} <a, Am>
nukl. våben A-bombatombombe {fk}
nukl. våben A-bomba-bombe {fk} [atombombe]
elekt. enhed ampere <A, amp>ampere {fk} <A>
enhed are <a> [100 m²]ar {fk} <a> [100 m²]
lookalikelook-a-like {fk}
hydro. riverå {fk}
2 Words: Others
a bitlidt
a biten smule
a biten lille smule
mus. a capella {adv} <a c.>a cappella <a c.>
a fewnogle
a littlelidt
a littleen smule
a littleen lille smule
a loten hel del
Unverified a posteriori {adj} {adv}a posteriori
among othersblandt andre <bl.a.>
amongst others [esp. Br.]blandt andre <bl.a.>
Anno Domini {adv} <AD, A.D.>efter Kristus <e.Kr.>
because of {prep} grund af <pga., gr. af, p.g.a., p.gr.a.>
due to {prep} grund af <pga., gr. af, p.g.a., p.gr.a.>
fin. on account {adv} [payment]a conto <a c.>
2 Words: Nouns
mil. nukl. atomic bomba-bombe {fk} [atombombe]
3 Words: Others
a couple ofet par
a good causeen god sag
Unverified a good deal {adv}adskilligt
a hint of ...et strejf af ...
gastr. Unverified à la carte {adj} {adv}a la carte [også fig.]
a lot of {adj}megen
a lot of {adj} {adv}meget
a number of ...en række (af) ...
a quarter pastkvart over
a quarter pastet kvarter over
a quarter toet kvarter i
a touch of ...et strejf af ...
naut. aboard a ship {adv}om bord et skib
geol. above sea level <ASL, a.s.l.>over havet <o.h.>
among other thingsblandt andet <bl.a.>
amongst other things [esp. Br.]blandt andet <bl.a.>
as a consequencesom følge heraf
as a rulesom regel
as a wholesom helhed
Unverified being a virginvære uskyldig
talem. from A to Z {adv}fra A til Z
in a hurry {adv}i hast
in a moment {adv}øjeblikkeligt
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