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Engelsk-dansk ordbog

BETA English-Danish translation for: There's the rub
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Dictionary English Danish: There's the rub

Translation 1 - 50 of 391  >>

talem. There's the rub. [fig.]Dér ligger hunden begravet. [fig.]
Partial Matches
talem. to rub salt into the woundat gnide salt i såret
There's no rush.Det haster ikke.
What's the catch?Hvad er hagen?
What's the matter?Hvad er der i vejen?
litt. F The Emperor's New ClothesKejserens nye klæder [Hans Christian Andersen]
talem. It's only the tip of the iceberg.Det er kun toppen af isbjerget.
ordsp. When the cat's away, the mice will play.Når katten er ude, spiller musene bordet.
to rubat gnide
there {adv}der
down there {adv}dernede
from there {adv}derfra
over there {adv}derovre
there isder er
there isder findes
there {adv} [to a place]dertil
Hi there! [coll.]Halløj! [uform.]
Who is there?Hvem er der?
Who is there?Hvem er det?
How do I get there?Hvordan når jeg frem?
gastr. What is there for supper?Hvad skal vi have til middag / aftensmad?
ordsp. There is no accounting for taste.Om smagen kan der ikke diskuteres.
enhed metre per second <m.s, m s, m/s, mps> [Br.]sekundmeter {fk}
astron. (the) Earth <⊕, ♁>Jorden {fk} <⊕, ♁>
geogr. the AlpsAlperne {pl}
the majoritystørstedelen {fk} [best.]
geogr. the tropicstroperne {pl} [best.]
at (the) {prep}
at the {prep}ved [+ best. subst.]
in the {prep}i [+ best.f.]
on the {prep} den / det
the same {pron}det samme
the same {pron}det tilsvarende
to the left {adv}til venstre
to the right {adv}til højre
litt. F The AngelEngelen [Hans Christian Andersen]
litt. F The NightingaleNattergalen [Hans Christian Andersen]
naut. aboard the ship {adv}om bord skibet
Unverified All the best!Al held og lykke!
all the timehele tiden
along the road {adv}hen ad vejen
around the clockdøgnet rundt
Unverified around the clock {adv}i døgndrift
at the back {adv}bagtil
at the bottom {adv}nederst
at the front {adv}foran
at the moment {adv}for øjeblikket
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