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Engelsk-dansk ordbog

BETA English-Danish translation for: Har man sagt A må man også sige B
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Dictionary English Danish: Har man sagt A må man også sige B

Translation 1 - 50 of 86  >>

ordsp. In for a penny, in for a pound.Har man sagt A, man også sige B.
Partial Matches
so to speak {adv}om man sige
Monday <Mon., Mo.>mandag {fk} <man., ma.>
ordsp. Unverified Spare the rod and spoil the child.Den man elsker, tugter man.
citat Unverified Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get. [Forrest Gump]Livet er som en æske chokolade - man ved aldrig hvad man får.
ordsp. People (who live) in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.Man skal ikke kaste med sten når man (selv) bor i (et) glashus.
ordsp. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him / it drink.Man kan tvinge hesten til truget, men man kan ikke tvinge den til at drikke.
also {adv}også
as well {adv}også
too {adv} [also]også
to sayat sige
Damn it! [coll.]Fandens også!
also referred to asogså benævnt
also referred to asogså betegnet
also referred to asogså kaldet
Damn it! [coll.]Pis også!
Damn it! [coll.]Pokkers også!
Damn it! [coll.]Satans også!
to apologise [Br.]at sige undskyld
to apologizeat sige undskyld
also referred to asogså kendt som
to say hello (to sb.)at sige goddag (til ngn.)
hairhår {n}
ordsp. A blind man may perchance hit the mark.Blind høne finder også et korn / guldkorn.
ordsp. Even a blind hen sometimes finds a grain of corn.Blind høne finder også et korn / guldkorn.
ordsp. Even a blind squirrel will find a nut / an acorn once in a while.Blind høne finder også et korn / guldkorn.
ordsp. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.Blind høne finder også et korn / guldkorn.
ordsp. Every dog has his day.Blind høne finder også et korn / guldkorn.
Do you have ... ?Har du ... ?
I'm right, aren't I?Har jeg ikke ret?
How are you?Hvordan har du det?
What's up? [Am.] [coll.]Hvordan har du det?
I am OK.Jeg har det godt.
I have no idea.Jeg har ingen anelse.
Do you have ... ?Har De ... ? [høfligt eller formelt]
How are you doing?Hvordan har De det? [gl.]
Unverified We go way back. [coll.]Vi har kendt hinanden længe.
Serves you right!Det har du rigtig godt af!
talem. Unverified That was a close shave.Det var et hængende hår.
What are you doing?Hvad har du gang i? [uform.]
It's got nothing to do with you!Det har intet med dig at gøre!
What has that got to do with the subject?Hvad har det med emnet at gøre?
citat talem. The Moor has done his duty, the Moor can go.Moren har gjort sin pligt, moren kan gå.
What's he got to do with it all, then?Hvad har han med det hele at gøre?
in shortkort sagt
May I ... ? jeg ... ?
sb. has tongn. [skal]
sb. mustngn. [skal]
[you] must not[du] ikke
[I/we/they] have to[jeg/vi/de]
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