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Dictionary English Danish: Det var så lidt

Translation 1 - 50 of 140  >>

You are welcome!Det var lidt!
You are welcome!Det var lidt.
Partial Matches
What a pity!Det var en skam!
That was close!Det var tæt på!
talem. Unverified That was a close shave.Det var tæt på.
talem. Unverified That was a close shave.Det var et hængende hår.
It's as simple as that. enkelt er det.
What is it about then?Hvad drejer det sig om?
Unverified What's it all about then?Hvad går det ud på?
What's he got to do with it all, then?Hvad har han med det hele at gøre?
a bitlidt
a littlelidt
little {adv}lidt
slightly {adv}lidt
sb./sth. wasngn./ngt. var
Anything else?Var der mere?
spring [season]vår {fk} [højtid., poet.] [forår]
springtide [liter.: spring]vår {fk} [højtid., poet.] [forår]
I'll be right back.Jeg kommer lige om lidt.
I'm afraid your calculations are a little inexact.Dine beregninger er desværre lidt upræcise.
internet (I'll) be right back. <BRB>Jeg er tilbage lige om lidt.
so {adv}
to sowat
'Sup? [sl.] [What's up?]Hva' ? [uform.]
twice as manydobbelt mange
twice as bigdobbelt stor
See you.Farvel længe.
such {adj}så'n [talesprogsefterlignende: sådan]
and so on <ASO>og videre <osv.>
as soon as possible <ASAP> snart som muligt
not until {adv} [next week] sent som [næste uge]
so to speak {adv}om man sige
[we/they/you] were[vi/de/De] var
that {pron}det
it's [it is]det er
this {pron}det her
It's pelting down. [rain]Det øsregner.
It's pouring with rain.Det øsregner.
It's raining cats and dogs. [idiom]Det øsregner.
the same {pron}det samme
they say ...det siges ...
It's snowing.Det sner.
the same {pron}det tilsvarende
before that {adv}før det
Never mind!Glem det!
ordsp. Unverified In for a penny, in for a pound!Skal der være gilde, lad der være gilde!
to make itat klare det
There's no rush.Det haster ikke.
It all began ...Det hele startede ...
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