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Dictionary English Danish: [a]

Translation 1 - 50 of 91  >>

English Danish
abroad {adv} [in a foreign country]i udlandet
abroad {adv} [to a foreign country]til udlandet
Unverified for {prep} [e.g. to work for a company]hos, ved, for
quarter {adj} [of a/an] [attrib.]kvart
Unverified salutary {adj} [producing a beneficial effect]gavnlig
there {adv} [to a place]dertil
to hold [e.g. a meeting, an election]
at afholde
to board [a ship]at borde
sport Unverified to break (sth.) [win a tennis game in which the opponent is serving]at bryde (ngt.) [i tennis vinde modstanderens serveparti]
cykel to cycle [ride a bicycle]at cykle
Unverified to douse sth. [a candle, a light, a fire]at slukke ngt. [dagl.] [et levende lys, en brændende tændstik, en brand]
to fell [a tree]at fælde [et træ]
to fire [a gun, a shot]at affyre
to fix [e.g. a price, rate]at fastsætte
hest. to groom [e.g. a horse]at strigle
to insert [coins in a machine]at indkaste
naut. to launch [a boat, ship]at søsætte
to lie [tell a lie]at lyve
to maintain [keep a machine in good condition]at efterse [maskine]
to pitch [a ball]at kaste
to recharge [e.g. a battery]at genoplade [fx et batteri]
litt. to recreate [a literary work]at gendigte
to skip [with a skipping rope]at sjippe
teater act [in a play]akt {fk} [uform. {n}] [i et skuespil]
våben barrel [of a gun]løb {n} [på et skydevåben]
beer [e.g. a bottle of]øl {fk} [om flaske e.l. med øl]
automob. boot [Br.] [of a car]bagagerum {n}
relig. canon [member of a cathedral chapter, etc.]kannik {fk}
odont. cavity [decayed part of a tooth]hul {n} [i tand]
centre [Br.] [of a town or city]bymidte {fk}
klæd. cuff [on a sleeve]manchet {fk}
dedication [of a book; commitment]dedikation {fk}
departure [on a journey]afrejse {fk}
directions {pl} [instructions on how to reach a destination]vejbeskrivelse {fk}
sport diving [e.g. from a diving board]udspring {n}
drive [journey in a vehicle]kørsel {fk}
envelope [for a letter]konvolut {fk}
floors [in a multistorey building]etager {pl}
grandson [a daughter's son]dattersøn {fk}
grandson [a son's son]sønnesøn {fk}
gutter [on a building]tagrende {fk}
hood [Br.] [on a pram, convertible etc.]kaleche {fk}
sport hurdle [in a hurdle race]hæk {fk} [ved hækkeløb]
naut. Unverified jekt [Norwegian fishing vessel with one large square sail and a staysail]jægt {fk}
mus. key [on a keyboard]tangent {fk}
key [on a keyboard]tast {fk}
legend [list of symbols on a map]signaturforklaring {fk} [på landkort]
hist. litter [for carrying a person]bærestol {fk}
lock [on a door]lås {fk}
mannequin [dated] [fashion model] [also a dummy]mannequin {fk} [også mannequindukke]
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